Waiting . . .
This week was a week of firsts for Lulou’s babies, and a week of waiting for us. Lulou’s babies got names this week. The older one is...
Amazing things I've learned from dogs
This week was a week of firsts for Lulou’s babies, and a week of waiting for us. Lulou’s babies got names this week. The older one is...
Lulou went into labor Sunday night. Just like clockwork. It was day 146 of her pregnancy, which was the day she delivered last year. ...
We are drowning in eggs, here on our tiny farm. We are now getting eight dozen eggs every week - and it’s only February! Chickens lay...
This week, like most everyone in the US, we battled the dramatic winter weather. Our saga began on Sunday. We had made some preparations...
When we adopted Coco six months ago, I immediately started a routine of taking her for a walk each day. My cousin thought it’d be good...
This is a photo of The Roo: He’s the one with white feathers - the tall one. He is always surrounded by a bevy of hens now. One...
It has been cold here. Not Chicago cold, but, in the teens when we go out to liberate the chickens from the safety of their coops at...
Our chickens - the new flock - are exactly six months old this week! It seems like only a second ago we were picking them up from the...
NOTE: This is a special edition. My regular blog, with news of the farm, will be back tomorrow. My friend, Tim, asked me to make him a...
Do you remember last summer when our buck Leroy suddenly developed a mantle? He was born last March, a beautiful beige baby. Late in...
It was chicken visitation week here on the farm. It seemed as if every day a different hen flew into a random goat pen and couldn’t...
Before I start on the story of my road trip with a rooster, look at this hen: I think this chicken looks exactly like Lazar Wolf - the...
Our beloved goat Mothra crossed a spectacular threshold this week. She has given us over 1,000 pounds of milk since her babies were...
It has been cold here. Not Chicago cold - we don’t have the humidity for that. But, it’s in the teens or twenties most mornings when we...
So much has happened since last week! The best part is, Harper is happy now! I am so relieved. We worked hard to help him feel loved...
Last week I drove to Colorado to pick up our new buck, Harper: Look at that face! I think he looks like a reindeer! We prepped the van...
Happy Thanksgiving! This is my anniversary post! I came to live on my cousin’s goat farm a year ago this week! I have learned so much...
Our big project this week was catching Molly and milking her. Yep. Even though she’s never had any kids, she gave two pounds of milk....
Before I say anything about this week, I just want to share a photo of our rooster. Simply because he is gorgeous. And look at how big...
This week I got to be on balloon crew! The weather was perfect for flying. Hardly any wind at all, and not a cloud in the sky. When I...